
  • ASTM A 967, Chemical Passivation Treatments for Stainless Steel Parts
  • ASTM A 380, Standard Practice for Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation of Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment and Systems
  • Federal Specification QQ-P-35C, Passivation Treatments for Corrosion Resistant Steels
  • ASTM B 912, Passivation of Stainless Steels Using Electropolishing
  • AMS 2700, Passivation of Corrosion Resistant Steels
標籤 Tags: AMS 2700, ASTM A380, ASTM A967, ASTM B912, QQ-P-35C, 不銹鋼, 不銹鋼鈍化
最後更新(Last update):
2013-03-27 07:04
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修正版次 Revision:
平均評分: 5 (6 票)


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